SOS Ajointes Virtuelles Inc.

How can you organize your work so that you can enjoy your vacations?

June 16, 2022

Summer vacations are just around the corner - great news, isn't it? But do you have the feeling that you've got so much to finalize before you leave that you won't be able to do it all? And once you've arrived at your destination, could it be that you can't pick up the phone because you can't stop thinking about all the things to do on the way back? So you're not really enjoying your vacation. Should you cancel them and postpone your family trip? Don't! Take the time to enjoy the beautiful moments life has to offer, and prepare your vacation by following these few organizational rules. Because there's more to life than work!

How to organize your work so you can enjoy your vacations
Planning your vacation by getting rid of the excess stress that makes you run around like a headless chicken.


Inhale, exhale. Repeat the exercise. Start planning your vacation by getting rid of the excess stress that's making you run around like a headless chicken! Relax, enjoy your favorite tea and read on.

Make a to-do list

  • The Microsoft To do application lets you share your to-do list with all your employees. You'll be able to clearly see the work that needs to be done before you leave. It's the best way to stay in control and save precious time.
  • Prioritize your tasks before you leave. And don't forget to draw up a schedule for each project.
  • When drawing up your list, start with the most urgent and time-consuming tasks. Then write down the tasks you're good at, as these will take less time.
  • At the bottom of the list should be the least important (or least urgent) tasks, which can wait until you return.

Set a timetable

Create a detailed vacation calendar for your team so that everyone is aware of each other's vacation dates and avoid receiving multiple calls to find out where you are. Be clear about your availability while you're away: can you be contacted in an emergency? Or do your employees have to forget about you for two weeks? Are there times when you'll be easier to reach?

Get your team together and delegate!

When you have a clear idea of the progress of your projects, about a week before you leave, organize a team meeting. Explain where you stand on each task, what might happen while you're away, and how to react if it does. This will give them a good idea of what to expect. Next, determine who will be able to step in when needed for each project. Once these tasks have been distributed, confirm the details in writing and share them with the whole team. For each project, the memo should contain:

  • the name of the person taking charge of the task ;
  • project deadline ;
  • the name of a contact for the customer or potential service provider;
  • a summary of things to do.

Don't forget to send an e-mail to your usual contacts to let them know who will be replacing you during your absence. And don't forget to ask the person replacing you to take note of what has been done in your absence and what remains to be done when you return.

Tidy up!

There's no better way to help you get back on track than by tidying up your workspace. A good clean-up will allow you to take stock and know what needs to be done before you leave. What's more, a well-organized workspace makes for a much more pleasant return.

First of all, throw away all those useless scraps of paper: scribbled Post-it notes, illegible drafts, old notebooks, menus from the restaurant around the corner (you know what you're ordering from them anyway). Then open the drawers and sort through the files,

important documents, business cards, etc. Next step: concentrate on your computer. Clean up the desktop, organize your folders, delete unnecessary or duplicated documents, etc.

Last but not least, make sure that any important files you want to find immediately on your return are in a safe, easily accessible place. Need help or inspiration? Just ask our president, she's the pro at tidying up!

Tell your contacts

Before you leave, don't forget to let your contacts know you'll be away, and to reschedule meetings when you return. There's nothing worse than waking up with a start in total isolation from the world and realizing that you've forgotten to reschedule a customer visit. Make sure you also set up a short, professional auto-reply message to remind your customers that you're unavailable if they try to contact you, and to provide an emergency contact. Read your message again: two checks are better than one!

Make sure you disconnect completely

The most important projects have been completed, trusted colleagues are taking care of ongoing projects, and your contacts and customers know you've left. Excellent. All that's left is for you to walk out of the office, free as a bird, and leave everything behind for your vacation. Unplugging is essential. In the truest sense of the word! To do this, clear your mind of all work-related issues, leave your laptop at home and put your cell phone in your hotel room safe for the day. Take advantage of your well-deserved break to exercise, eat well and have fun.

In short, focus on yourself, your own well-being and your family. It's the best way to recharge your batteries for your return.

Prepare your return

To avoid stress and chaos when you return to work, prepare the items that will be most urgent when you get back. Update your calendar with events and deadlines. Schedule a meeting with your team the day after your return (or even the same day) to review what was done during your absence and what needs to be done from now on.

Then, to make sure you don't fall into a sunless, pleasureless slump, prepare the ground in advance: hide a few chocolate bars in a drawer, plan a lunch with a friend, order flowers for yourself and have them delivered the morning you get back to the office (no, it's not pitiful to pamper yourself this way, it's just the opposite!).

In short, make your return as easy and pleasant as possible.

And now you're all set for a stress-free vacation. With a little organization, you can make it all happen. Now all you have to do is close your hand luggage. And don't forget to update your Instagram and send a postcard to the office. The whole team at SoS Av wishes you a wonderful vacation!